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Call for articles for Journal Da Investigação às Práticas

imagem chamada de artigos
Oct 20, 2023

The Journal Da Investigação às Práticas:Estudos de Natureza Educacional, from the Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, opens the submission of articles in the field of research in Educational Sciences.
It accepts articles on: educational contexts (formal and non-formal), educational actors, teaching and learning processes, child development models and processes, organization of educational systems, policies, values, practices and socio-educative projects. It is also possible to submit critical reviews of published works regarding formal and non-formal education.

In line with international guidelines that establish the principles of open science and editorial modernization, the editorial management of the Magazine is done through the OJS platform (Open Journal System). Authors are required to indicate their ORCID identifier.

Proposals to be submitted must be original, scientific rigorous, scrupulously comply with the journal's editorial standards and must be sent in electronic form (Word) on the journal's OJS platform under the submissions tab.

Texts must have a maximum limit of 25 pages, in A4 format, and can be published in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French.

After being accepted by the Editorial Board, the texts will be submitted to an external scientific evaluation process on an anonymous basis (double peer-review) by specialists in the respective areas. All decisions made on the proposals received will be communicated to the authors.

The journal is published in continuous flow..

The journal is indexed in the RCAAP as well as in the following international platforms: Scielo, Web of Science (SciELO Citation Index), RedibDOAJ and Latindex.