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This is an invitation to the submission of abstracts of papers on the following areas/topics:

1) Citizenship in Education

Training autonomous and responsible people and active citizens is an objective that can be read in the preface of the Profile of Students on Leaving Mandatory Schooling. The complexification of the current world highlights the relationship between the individual and the society in which he is integrated. In this dialogue between the I and the We, school and education play a decisive role in the training of values ​​and competences that enable the citizen / student to make free and well-founded decisions on natural, social and ethical issues, and have a capacity for civic, active, conscious and responsible participation.
The current curricular framework of Education for Citizenship, in its Citizenship and Development component, integrates a diversity of areas, which include: Human Rights; Gender equality; Interculturality; Sustainable development; Environmental education; Cheers; Sexuality; Media education; Financial Literacy and Consumer Education; Road safety; Risk Education; Entrepreneurship; World of Work; Security, Defense and Peace; Animal welfare; and Volunteering.
This framework highlights three levels of intervention, namely the class, the school as a whole, and the training of teachers.
In this context, it is invited to present communication proposals that focus on Education for Citizenship, namely with regard to its operationalization at the three operational levels, in its different domains and in its potentialities, obstacles and challenges.

2) Citizenship and community

The various actors that are part of the territory have a crucial role in the processes of conception and application of public policies within the scope of Citizenship. Both local authorities and the various civil society organizations must promote spaces that mobilize citizens for active and participatory citizenship, based on democratic values. In this intervention, integrating active and participatory methodologies, the projects and practices developed within the scope of non-formal education must be supported by networking and partnerships.
It is from this involvement between different protagonists in contexts that go far beyond the formal educational relationship, that calls for participation in the submission of proposals for communications dedicated to territorial policies within the scope of citizenship; the intervention of the local administration; the participation of Civil Society (3rd sector, social movements, informal groups, etc.); the importance of networks and partnerships; and projects and practices in the context of non-formal education.

3) Citizenship and sustainability

Citizenship and sustainability have become central themes in the reflection exercises, inside and outside Education, as they have an enormous potential for transformation. In this sense, it is important to recognize that the idea of ​​sustainability corresponds to a situation in which the quality of life remains the same or improves. When this reality deteriorates, then it will become unsustainable. Quality of life is understood to include everything that influences people's lives, such as health, culture and nature. In other words, sustainability can be associated with all aspects of human life.
In recent years, the idea of ​​sustainability has expanded, becoming very relevant in the management of social and cultural dimensions, making it evident that these dimensions contribute, according to the United Nations, to transform the world in the name of the Peoples and the Planet.
The great challenge that arises is to rethink concepts, practices and institutions so that the diversities (cultural, artistic, gender, age, others) are a constitutive characteristic of a sustainable collective that does not exclude or limit citizenship.

In this regard, it is invited to submit works that think and problematize citizenship, diversities and sustainability in their multiple and plural configurations.


Paper resumes are invited for submission (until September 12th), within the thematic areas:

Paper proposals (abstracts) should be:
> Original full papers;
> Written in Portuguese, English or Castilian;
> In Word format;
> Maximum up to 4 pages (inclusive), including all text, including references, and figures and tables, if necessary;
> Maximum number of two submissions as 1st author;
> Accepted communications will be published in a book of abstracts of the Meeting.
> Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit the full text to a blind peer review to integrate a thematic issue of CIED's magazine Da Investiga às Práticas (indexed in Scielo), to be published in 2022.
> Texts not published in the magazine may be published as a book chapter in an e-book (with ISBN), on the theme of the meeting.

Template Abstract -  Download
Submitted to the email:

* Note

Due to the pandemic situation we are experiencing, it is currently not possible to predict whether the Meeting will take place in person or online. The hypothesis of virtual presentation of communications is considered if the meeting is to be held in person. This information will be updated shortly.