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Plano de estudos

1.º Ano (1.º e 2.º Semestres)
Coordenador Tipo Horas Totais ECTS
Nuclear Option* 1.º Sem. 420 15
Design Management Nuno Monge Semestral 140 5
Design of Interactive Products for Education André Rocha Semestral 560 20
Digital Languages Lab André Rocha Semestral 140 5
Physical and Digital Educational Environments Adriana Cardoso Semestral 140 5
Projects Seminar Adriana Cardoso Semestral 140 5
Toys, Games, and Educational Resources Tiago Almeida Semestral 140 5
Nuclear Option

*Choose two of the three options presented:

Product Design
Interaction Design
Development and Learning in Education